National Geographic

National Geographic
Asteroid Impact Could Deplete Ozone Layer
Space Daily: Ww're all doomed...
As bees pollinate over two thirds of our food - mainly fruit and vegetables - the bee crisis could soon have an effect on us.Someone DO something about this, damn it!
Google Inc. said more than 244,000 households in Germany's 20 largest cities had formally requested that their homes be blurred before the launch of the Internet giant's Street View mapping service there in several weeks.
Evidence suggests that the writer doesn't realize that Guernsey is not in Germnay. In fact it is not even in the UK, but is a part of England. Go figure it out. I don't have all day to explain these things to you.
GEORGE NEGUS: David Brill there. I know the 'Armageddonites' can say things that make you just shake your head, but that last comment about going backwards does raise the question of whether everything we call 'progress' necessarily is. If you want to know more about that underground shelter, or becoming self-sufficient, follow the links from The website for that bunker has a handy clock counting down to the end of the world! But, right now, I think we're still OK....but there's certainly an asteroid that's headed for Earth that NASA is also aware of...
...Speaking in Dublin last evening, European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes outlined why European companies and public authorities can and must continue to invest in broadband despite the economic crisis.Good idea. If something is expanding, becoming cheaper, and is self-sustaining on its own, it's high time taxpayer money (during a recession) was used to slow it down by "investing" in it. One starts in this exercise of attention-seeking and self-importance-building by calling it a "crisis".
For little Khaled (5) and his fiancé Hala, two years his junior, the ceremony in the Syrian city of Homs was probably just a game. But their parents are serious: If the kids are younger than 15 and 13 years old, they can be married according to the will of their parents.Let's see if those “international human rights” types will, after all of these decades demonstrate their usefulness and efficacy. Don't hold your breath.
Local and international human rights groups are up in arms against the engagement. In Syria, the marriage of minors is not unusual.
Noting this could be seen as gender inequality, Kim asked whether the National Tax Service was discriminating against women because all of its directors have so far been male.But here’s the real howler:
Interestingly, Kim also said that 15.4% of Koreans age 17 to 19 get cosmetic surgery.
Kim noted that medically speaking, the size of a man’s member doesn’t really matter in ones sex life, but since breast size is easily noticeable by others, smaller-breasted women might develop a complex about them.Un hunh. I tell ‘dat to my bitches that all the time.
It's a virus, dammit.
Any evidence that the Gerson Lehrman Group, a flesh-peddling work-at-home outfit ever "solved" a crisis - ever -, even if it was a fake one, would be more than welcome.
In Spain it is now becoming increasingly difficult to show children the ways in which a man and a woman are different:Europe's top court has declared that working fathers in Spain are entitled to take 'breastfeeding leave' everyday, even if the mother of the child is not employed.
Of course this is just a shrugged-shoulder matter of simply employing logic without any intent, rather than for judicial reasoning. Is the employed husband of an unemployed woman going to run home to attend to the wife’s nursing? Sure he is, right after he stops bitch slapping her.The new legislation means that both the mother and father are allowed to leave work for an hour during the day or reduce their working day by half an hour during the first nine months following the birth of a child.
The way to a European’s heart, and EU institutions know this, is for governments to be appearing to give people something for nothing, and this sounds like just that.
The European Union Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled on Thursday that the Spanish law caused an "unjustified discrimination on grounds of sex" because fathers do not have the same rights as mothers.
At the Progress and Freedom Foundation blog, Adam Thierer notes that a recent Pew Center poll shows a slight majority of Americans don't think supplying broadband should be a big government priority.The anatomy of this "crisis"? It all starts with satisfied people!there might be a number of reasons that respondents downplayed the importance of government actions to spur broadband diffusion, including that: (1) many folks are quite content with the Internet service they get today; (2) others might get their online fix at work or other places and not feel the need for it at home; and (3) some may not care two bits (excuse the pun) about broadband at all. More generally, I noted that, with all the other issues out there to consider, broadband policy just isn't that important to most folks in the larger scheme of things....
And I’m not kidding you. Your average garden variety European Ivan Ivanovich really DOES think that a certain country, population, etc., can be objectified in such a way that they will clam being the happiest people on earth, despite the stunning and enduring tradition of having a high suicide rate.“Danish ghettos ravaged by fire,” alerts the Jyllands-Posten. Every week in troubled Danish neighbourhoods, four fires on average burn down kindergartens, trash containers, cars and motor scooters, reports the Danish daily, based on fire department reports in the country’s three biggest cities.
According to one sociologist quoted in the paper, these acts are perpetrated by a hard core of ethnic youths who want their neighbourhoods to “take on the image of a dangerous ghetto”.Because in a life where nothing matters, your biggest complaint can be either some detached social issue, a fake crisis of some sort, or the fact that your precious, tidy, overpriced society isn’t enough like a first-person shooter game, or your image of da hood.